Instagram’s last update unveiled lots of new features such as face filters and stickers that can be used on stories. In addition, Instagram also gave users the ability to archive their photos/videos . The archive tool is great for businesses who do not want to delete their content, but would like to clean up the appearance of their profile or only have certain content visible at certain times. Learn more about how you can use the archive feature to clean up your Instagram account and use it to your advantage.
Hide Old and Irrelevant Content
This applies to both businesses and personal lives: if you have old content that is no longer relevant to your business, or life, instead of deleting it forever, just simply archive it. That way you don’t have to worry about the photo/video being deleted forever, but it simply put in an archive nobody can see. Maybe you have videos or photos of old employees or content that doesn’t fit in with the standard of your company anymore. Don’t delete it, just archive it! When you archive content, only YOU can view your archived content.
Archive Specials
Maybe you are running a special at your business and when it ends you normally delete the posting. Instead of deleting it, just archive it. Then if you want to have that special going again, unarchive the post. This will allow it to be found under hashtags and your profile once more.
Archive Old Business
Maybe you parted ways with a business associate and you had photos of their business or something related on your Instagram account, like a relationship, instead of deleting all evidence of the partnership, simply archive the posts. You never know if your business relationship will be rekindled. In the event the partnership is resumed, you can always unarchive your posts to make it look like nothing ever happened.
Clean Up Your Brand
This is a smart way to clean up your profile without having to permanently say goodbye to all your memories. You can archive old posts with outdated designs or low-quality photos that give your brand a bad image. From here, you can make sure all your posts are consistently great, so if a user does scroll through your content, they will see the same consistent brand which gives you more credibility as a business.
Try It Yourself
This is a nudge for you to go through both your business and personal accounts to archive anything you don’t want other people looking at. Clean up your brand without saying goodbye to old memories. Need more social media advice? Contact us at Practice Affiliate to talk to our social media experts today.