If you are putting time and money into producing great content but you aren’t distributing it correctly, this is a problem. Not only is content distribution important for SEO, it helps brand your business as being a credible resource. Learn how to better distribute your content, whether it’s blogs or pages on your website, before and after results, or even office information.
Email Marketing
Emails are still relevant even though some people feel it is a bit outdated. Although social media seems to be the go-to for businesses to release news and information, emails are still useful resources for information. There are tons of free email marketing websites out there to help you reach out to your patients. MailChimp is one of the most used email marketing programs. It’s very user friendly and gives you analytics of your email campaigns so you know how you can improve. With email marketing, you can send your patients monthly coupons, links to your latest blogs, office news and more. This is a great way to distribute any new content you have for your business. You can even add a subscribe to email button put on your website in addition to your social media pages so patients can sign up. Be sure to also have patients sign up when they are in the office!
Social Media
Social media has slowly taken over the internet and has become most people’s ways of reading the news or finding out new information. It’s incredibly important that you share all your content on your social media pages. Of course, your posts should differ depending on which platform you are posting on. For example, you can only use so many characters on twitter, so make your post count. If you are posting on Instagram, make sure your imagery is worth looking at. Facebook will most likely be your best place to post links and other information since it is the most used social media platform. Share links to your latest blog posts, new pages on your website, specials you have going on and even photos.
Share Snippets with Links
Maybe your followers on social media or people subscribed to your email marketing list don’t want to read an entire blog post. This is where sharing a snippet from it comes in. Simply post a piece of the blog that is most important or that captures the reader’s attention. Or you can write a brief summary about it. Then you can attach a link and write “continue reading” if people want to learn more. If there is information about the link attached with it, your followers will be more likely to click on it instead of going in blind.
Enjoy the Results
Once you start distributing your content better, the results will help you expand your business. You can see an increase in the number of patients you have, old patients might finally make the call to schedule an overdue appointment, and your SEO will improve. If you need help coming up with content, consider our content marketing services with weekly deployed blogs. Contact us at Practice Affiliate to learn more.