The Importance of Website Security

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Website Security

Website security should be treated like locking your door at home. If it’s unlocked, anyone can just walk in. If it’s locked, it will take an effort to break in. Website security does more than just protect your website from being hacked, it builds more trust with your patients. Website Security is a subject that shouldn’t be skipped when building your brand. Continue reading to learn about the importance of website security.

Why Doesn’t Everyone Secure their Website?

This is due to complete lack of awareness of the consequences or risks. Small business owners don’t think that they are targets for hackers, when in fact any website without security is a target. The most common websites to be hacked are healthcare, retail, and financial services. Hackers look for websites that are great for data breaching as well as hiding malware in.

What is the Importance of Website Security?Website Security

If your website isn’t secure, it will break the trust between you and your patients. They won’t feel safe being on your website or submitting any information on your website. If your website gets hacked, it’s a red flag for patients that they need to take their business elsewhere. Otherwise their personal information, email addresses, credit card information, as well as computers can fall victim to hackers. Website security is not only important to protect your business, but anyone who visits your website.

How Does Website Security Help You Build Trust with Your Patients?

It’s a given that most consumers are afraid of security risks on the internet. Nobody wants their credit card information, bank account or other personal accounts hacked into, which is why most of us steer clear of giving information to insecure websites. Would you ever take over the counter medicine that didn’t have a security seal on it? It’s the same with websites, consumers don’t want to visit sites that can’t provide security, it’s not worth the risk.

How Do I Know What Websites Are Secure?

Blatantly put, websites with an “http” URL are websites that aren’t secure while “https” websites are secure.  An unsecured website on Google chrome will show a lock with a red x over it to show users that it is not secure. Consumers will be more likely to stay on websites that show a green lock and “https” address.

How Do I Stay On Top of Website Security?

If your website has never been hacked or compromised in any way, it will be a lot easier to incorporate security on your website than it would be to incorporate it after it has been hacked. It’s important to secure your website before anything can happen. This will prevent you from having personal information leaked as well as your patient’s information leaked. Contact us at Dental Affiliate to learn more about our secured websites we can provide your practice.

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